Signs of Gaslighting

Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which one person causes another to question their own reality and perceptions of events. The gaslighter employs various tactics, such as denying the occurrence of specific events or insisting that the victim’s memory is inaccurate. They may trivialize the victim’s concerns with phrases like, “Why are you making such a big deal out of this?” or “It wasn’t anything serious.”

Tactics used

Projection occurs when the gaslighter accuses the victim of behaviors they themselves are engaging in, such as hiding information, lying, or cheating. Additionally, distraction and ignoring are two other tactics used by manipulators to shift the focus or dismiss the victim’s concerns altogether.

Isolation is another significant tactic employed by gaslighters. They may attempt to distance their partners from friends and family by claiming that those relationships are toxic or untrustworthy. This isolation can leave individuals feeling lonely and increasingly dependent on their gaslighter for support and validation, which further solidifies the abusive dynamic.