Why Therapy?

couples counseling, marriage counseling, pembroke pines

Many couples struggle with the idea of counseling for various reasons. One reason is that beginning counseling confirms the existence of a problem. Recognizing a problem can be very difficult. Nobody wants to admit there is something wrong with their relationship. However, the truth is that all couples have their ups and downs. It is a normal part of being in a close relationship with someone. The real problem arises when couples ignore what is going on, hoping it will just go away. Unfortunately, issues don’t resolve themselves on their own. Avoiding the conflict by sweeping things under the rug is not an effective approach, and in the long run, it can lead to more serious problems.

Benefits of counseling

Couples counseling is private and confidential, so there is no need to worry about others finding out. All they may notice is that things between the two of you seem to be different, better, improved, and refreshed. You made an investment in this person when you married them and planned a future together. However, you may not have expected that maintenance would be necessary to keep the relationship in its best condition. Like everything else we own, our relationships require care and attention.

You can’t do it alone

Don’t wait any longer thinking you can resolve this issue on your own. I often hear this sentiment, but if you could have done it without help, you probably wouldn’t be reading this. If you could have fixed things alone, your relationship would already be in a better place. It’s not too late to ask for help. Seeking the assistance of a professional to improve your marriage shows your commitment to your partner and your family. They should be your top priority.